Prelim DIMOC Branding Toolkit
Creating the new DIMOC logo and branding toolkit to assist all employees in the proper use of the logo, colors and typography. This will ensure we have a clear and consistent forward appearance to all customers. Current version is 1.6.

Visual Information (VI) Flow
Infographic created to communicate the paths of Department of Defense digital and physical media to the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs (OATSD/PA), internal and external customers worldwide. The infographic received accolades from the OATSD/PA in design and layout.

Annual Report
Digital artist in concept, layout and design of the DMA Annual Report. This report was used to promote the DMA mission and successes to a global audience of more than 30 million. The final product was hand delivered to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Public Affairs and the House Armed Services Committee staff.
Digital artist in concept, layout and design of the DMA Annual Report. This report was used to promote the DMA mission and successes to a global audience of more than 30 million. The final product was hand delivered to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Public Affairs and the House Armed Services Committee staff.

Defense Imagery Management Operations Center (DIMOC)
Introduction Sequence
Introduction Sequence
The below motion graphic was created as outreach for the DIMOC's Visual Information Style Guide App's upcoming product launch. The series consists of four parts.
Eye on VI
Redesigned the overall look of the DIMOC quarterly newsletter while adding an interactive navigation. The newsletter supports a community of 30,000 plus potential Visual Information Specialist and Public Affairs worldwide.
Redesigned the overall look of the DIMOC quarterly newsletter while adding an interactive navigation. The newsletter supports a community of 30,000 plus potential Visual Information Specialist and Public Affairs worldwide.

Branding Template
Primary goal of this project was to create a standard template of products as an example outreach tool and possible DMA event display. This was a redesign of previous DMA product. The photos were replaced for brighter contrast, the addition of the primary color (purple) to contain/control eye-movement and consolidated the verbal and non-verbal messaging (DMA and Global).
Primary goal of this project was to create a standard template of products as an example outreach tool and possible DMA event display. This was a redesign of previous DMA product. The photos were replaced for brighter contrast, the addition of the primary color (purple) to contain/control eye-movement and consolidated the verbal and non-verbal messaging (DMA and Global).